Friday, July 30, 2010

Natural character..

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is right down the street from my church. Dad and I drove up the hill right near our cemetary and tried to see if there was any visual of the work sight there. I saw the potential for having spectators drive up there if it was a good spot to see any famous people, and we could casually put a donation bucket up there. Alas, you couldn't see a thing. "The church is in the way." Ha. It's still way cool that they're so close..who knew? Well, we had some guesses..

Cloud: Invasive dancers.
Sunshine: Dancing. Stories.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

It will be exactly how He wants it to be..

I'm not sure how long this will last, but I figure..if I like reading blogs so much, I might as well give back.

Hello Blog,
It's certainly nice to meet you.

Cloud: Printers.
Sunshine: Lunch with friend. Sky Sailing. Dinner with friends. Laughing so hard your shoulders hurt.