Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Calm Rational Voice Is Not Always Accepted..

Yesterday, I went to the art show opening for 'International Experience'..what is that, you ask? It's the collective works of the Dean's Scholars, pieces from our trips abroad. Here's my contribution to the show:
It was nice to see some great friends. There's some sweetness to the relationships built with people you've gone to your first foreign country with..they protected you, supported you, and experienced some crazy things with you.

All in all, I had an 'eh..lame' feeling at the show. It was sort of anti-climactic..I planned to stay the whole hour, but was ready to leave in 30 minutes. Everyone else was just ready to get back to their homework or projects..but I finally got to experience the blues of visiting my home of four stressful yet amazing years. Glad that's out of the way..

There's nothing like this time of year, though. I was raving to my friend about all of the 'free' art there is around..leaves, I mean. The colors are just unmatchable. Colorful leaves are the inspiration for my paintings right now..not sure how long that obsession will last, but it's so festive right now.

Wanna see my carved pumpkin? Not as clever as my 'Pumpkin' pumpkin of last year, but still lovely:

Thanks to Martha Stewart for refreshing my memory on pumpkin carving techniques. She inspired me to carve out the bottom..

More Halloween festivities to come!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's All About The Food..

Since turning twenty-three today, I have discovered that older birthdays are all about the food. I've discussed this with my friends who are older, and they concur. Last night, I made broccoli balls, blew out a candle on a red velvet whoopie pie, and shared a brand new bag of salt & vinegar chips with my best friend, who also promised to get me some fried pickles when we go out sometime. Today, the day was planned around a grand breakfast, a sweet & salty hot chocolate at Starbucks, a delicioso dinner at our local Roman Delight, and a homemade dessert just to put our stomachs at bursting point.

In other birthday delights, I got to talk to four of my best friends on the cellular phone..can't thank them enough for being in my life. Aren't friends devine? Facebook birthdays are the best. I like to show my appreciation to everyone by responding to every wall post..tiresome, but it must be done. Joy must be shared. All in all, a superb day with my family..they love me and I love them.

Some happy coincidences..last night, on the eve of my birthday, I was continuing to work through the fifth season of I Love Lucy, and I just happened to come upon the episode where Lucy and Ricky miss Little Ricky's birthday because they are away in Italy..a little Italian boy claims to Lucy, "She's-a her-a birth-a-day too!" Today's free download from Starbucks is a song by Kings of Leon called..'Birthday'. Huh. Isn't God great?

But the birthday fun isn't over yet. I guess it is just general fun..but..tomorrow, I get to have movie night with friends and listen to my favorite radio show. Thursday will be dinner with a best friend. Saturday will be time with aunt/cousins/etc. Next Tuesday will be lunch with a best friend.

Life is grand. And it only gets better with age.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh, That I Would Wear These Shoes..

Comfort? Possibly..more than those high heels I tried to wear this morning. Style? Most definitely. Came upon these little beauties as I was shopping the Keds website, seeing if I could use the $10 off $50 coupon. Ehh, I'd rather randomly come upon them in a store like Marshall's or TJMaxx and gasp, 'I must have these!'

To add beauty to this blog post, I give you this:
'But a much more important recipe. I have learned how to live, how to be in the world and of the world. And not just to stand aside and watch. And I will never, never again run away from life, or from love either.' -Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Do You Pronounce 'Either'?..

I pronounce 'either' just like Audrey Hepburn, as seen here in 'Sabrina'. My friends seem to notice how peculiar it sounds..I think it makes me unique and a bit debonair, in a girly sort of way.

Problem Solved?..

The nearest Levi's store to me is in King of Prussia. I desperately want to try their new Levi's Curve ID jeans, which are separated into Slight, Demi, and Bold Curve (based on the size of your butt), and come in a variety of styles, like skinny, skinny boot, and boot. Could this be the answer to my jean fit prayers?!

Visit the site, take the quiz, and find out if you're as eager to try these as I am..

Monday, October 11, 2010

An Experience..

If you step into an Anthropologie store, or just visit their website, you have just experienced a piece of me..the style, creativity, and cleverness is joy personified. Soon, I will own these (once my birthday comes next week..):

A dream fulfillment for me would be to work in one of these stores. (They're having open interviews in October! hmm..) Three great things about the employees:
1. They address you by name, once you try something on, and they write your name outside your door..and later on, will ask, 'How did it go, Heidi?'
2. They prepare a fitting room for you, if they see you holding a boat load of goodies..
3. They are calmly nice..meaning, they don't scream 'HELLO, HOW ARE YOU?!' just so they can fill their quota. Instead, they nonchalantly ask, 'Hey, how's it going?', as you're having your Anthropologie experience..

Recommended..sign up for the Anthro card. You get a 15% off coupon for your birthday in an unbelievably cute mailing..aaand I think there are other benefits I have yet to discover..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Honk If You Love Peace & Quiet..

Adam Young of Owl City has let us fans know that he is having an Autumn Sale of are a few of my favorites:

Finally, a band tee that I actually want to wear..the V-neck makes it so breathable. Oh, and the leaves totally hit the spot..

This..this I don't understand..but, yes..hmm..

These are just beyond clever..gahhhhh. Take time to really read them, and prepare to slap your knee..