Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's All About The Food..

Since turning twenty-three today, I have discovered that older birthdays are all about the food. I've discussed this with my friends who are older, and they concur. Last night, I made broccoli balls, blew out a candle on a red velvet whoopie pie, and shared a brand new bag of salt & vinegar chips with my best friend, who also promised to get me some fried pickles when we go out sometime. Today, the day was planned around a grand breakfast, a sweet & salty hot chocolate at Starbucks, a delicioso dinner at our local Roman Delight, and a homemade dessert just to put our stomachs at bursting point.

In other birthday delights, I got to talk to four of my best friends on the cellular phone..can't thank them enough for being in my life. Aren't friends devine? Facebook birthdays are the best. I like to show my appreciation to everyone by responding to every wall post..tiresome, but it must be done. Joy must be shared. All in all, a superb day with my family..they love me and I love them.

Some happy coincidences..last night, on the eve of my birthday, I was continuing to work through the fifth season of I Love Lucy, and I just happened to come upon the episode where Lucy and Ricky miss Little Ricky's birthday because they are away in Italy..a little Italian boy claims to Lucy, "She's-a her-a birth-a-day too!" Today's free download from Starbucks is a song by Kings of Leon called..'Birthday'. Huh. Isn't God great?

But the birthday fun isn't over yet. I guess it is just general fun..but..tomorrow, I get to have movie night with friends and listen to my favorite radio show. Thursday will be dinner with a best friend. Saturday will be time with aunt/cousins/etc. Next Tuesday will be lunch with a best friend.

Life is grand. And it only gets better with age.


  1. Could you repost the clip of Lucy? When I clicked on it, it came to the clip of her crushing grapes in the vat. Nothing about a birthday. :(

  2. I couldn't find the birthday clip..so I resorted to that one..sorry
