Jesus is certainly holding me..He lifts my heart and makes it clean, pure, and jumping for joy. Thank you, God!
Let's see...last post, I told you about my Lenten decisions. They are going well. I am amazed at how well I am limiting my coffee intake, and it seems to just make me stronger. The drawing and painting is going especially well, becauseeeee I now have motivation to make art! On May 7th from 10am to 4pm, I will have a table at the Hamburg Arts Fest...yayyyyyy!!!! I will be selling and showing some paintings, and hopefully some bracelets and other crafty stuff as well...just 5 more weeks to create stuff, and it's getting exciting.
The little girl I babysit, my little MaryBear, is growing so quickly..it seems, in one weekend passing by, she learned how to say Mama, Dada, Gram, and PopPop..and she even says an adorable variation of Heidi, which sounds like hiney :) She is also very good at saying cup, coat, car, and banana (sort of). Even though there are a lack of 'real' jobs out there, I feel extremely blessed to have this experience with Mary and the Whalen family.
Here's a free download (just for this week!) of the song that inspired the title of this post.