Monday, April 4, 2011

And I Became Inspired To Live Brighter Than I Have Before..

Even the weatherman has no optimism anymore. 50 degrees is pretty warm, so you should probably stop calling it 'chilly' outside. And it was a good thing today was in the seventies..Mary and I were locked outside the house until her mom was able to open it for us when she was done working. Not a bad thing..just difficult to keep Mary from putting sticks in her mouth and from smelling rocks.

Welp, Anthropologie has hooked me again..they've put together a new part of their website just for me! Click here to see their new section called, 'For The Decorator'.

Here's is a sneak preview of what I've got in store for my artwork..this is the only watercolor version, but it just gives an idea of what's happening in my crazy brain!

1 comment:

  1. hey i know that quote on your painting.
    thanks for the anthropologie link! :)
    rachel <3
