Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sweet Dreams That Leave All Worries Behind You..

Only two more weeks for me as an art sub at PGHigh School..and I'm only now remembering that the lady I'm subbing for told me I could make whatever I want with the clay and ceramics tools they have. Therefore, I am super excited about going to school tomorrow! I also started my own painting that goes along with what the painting class has started..stoked about that, too. When those projects are completed, I will surely share them with you :)

This past Friday, I rediscovered my Xanga, which I started in 2004. I wrote on that thing practically every day, until it dwindled to about three times a year in 2010. I read some of the early entries to some of my best friends, which brought ab-building laughter..topics included chem class, lunch with freshman, and epic speeches from our gym teachers. I won't share the link here..unless you ask, ha.

After this substitute position, I will be returning to random sub days and babysitting sweet Mary..I am excited not to have to wake up so early anymore, and just for some relaxation in general. Kinda miss those days without so much monotony..we'll see how I feel in a few weeks!

Thanks for listening..

Optimism is key.
If you expect the worst, the worst will happen.
You are your own stress, your own anger, your own sadness and frustration.
If you let things bother you, they don't let them. Just be happy.
Nothing in life is easy, so make the best of all of it.
Don't dwell on the negatives.
Optimism is key.


  1. Heidi! Wow that went quickly! I'm excited to see you post your pictures of your art :) hahaha I used to have a xanga too but it's closed. I like your optimism quote--is that relient k lyrics by any chance (i know you like them)
